Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Out & About

A great set of postal scales. I love the colour they are painted.

If only I was decorating a ski lodge as that deer head would be perfect!!

The old pub which is directly across the road from this fabulous little Antique shop.

Today I went to visit one of my clients in Toowoomba {a country town 1 1/2 hours drive from Brisbane}. Toowoomba is such a pretty place. The houses and all the amazing trees are just so beautiful. On my way home I stopped in at Marburg a little town along the highway as there is a fantastic little Antique shop there. I thought I'd show you some pictures of some of the lovely things they had. All there is in Marburg is this Antique shop, a little newsagent and a humongous pub across the road. It was definitely worth the stop!