Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Artist Delphine Boël and blog awards


Delphine Boël is a Belgian artist. She is known for creating multi-media artworks overflowing with colour, texture and humour.

Even though she has lived the majority of her life in London (now she lives in Belgium), her spirit remains absolutely and typically Belgian : “la joie de vivre” ; not taking ones-self too seriously; individualistic; and rather child-like.


Foto 3 Guy Pieters Gallery

This is Delphine her-self.


Foto 5 www.delphineboel.com


Foto 6 www.delphineboel.com

Black, yellow and red are the colours of the Belgian flag.


Foto 4 www.delphineboel.com

In a lot of her works, she refers to Belgium.


Foto 14 www.delphineboel.com 

Delphine is not only a painter, she also makes sculptures of papier maché.

Foto 2 www.7sur7.be

2010-04-06_115633  Delphine is also known for making larger-than-life sculptures.


Foto 7 www.delphineboel.com

Foto 11 www.delphineboel.com

Foto 10 www.delphineboel.com

Foto 12 www.delphineboel.com 

Foto 13 www.delphineboel.com

Delphine%20Boel%20artiste%20belge%209  Her atelier in Brussels.


Foto 9 www.delphineboel.com

Foto 8 www.delphineboel.com

For those who live in Belgium or those who want to visit Belgium in the next days, you can discover the work of Delphine Boël at Guy Pieters Gallery in Knokke, from April 3 till April 28.


You can visit the website of Delphine at http://www.delphineboel.com


I wanted to thank all of you for your kind Easter wishes my friends!

And a special thank to my friends Charlotta of Space For Inspiration blog and Veronique of Malvini blog for the award I was given by them!!!

award I know that I am asked to talk about a few things about myself but I do hope you don’t mind that I refer to these 2 posts on my blog : here and here.

I give this blog award to….ALL OF MY BLOGGER FRIENDS!!!

I wish you all a nice blog week !!!                                     




Almost all pictures from the website of Delphine Boël